IT system changeover


Dear customers, dear partners,

the technical change, high security standards and the challenges in the forwarding and transport business bring our current IT system to “sweat”, i.e. to its limit! Therefore, we will introduce a completely new transport management system as of January 31, 2022. This will ensure that we are optimally equipped for the future and can continue to offer you comprehensive, convenient and secure forwarding, transport and information services.
What does this mean for you?
Despite all the good preparations, there may be considerable and unfortunately unavoidable restrictions for you during the changeover period. As of Monday, January 31, 2021, we will be working with the new system. However, we ask for your understanding that corrections may become necessary in the period after the system changeover. If you are affected by this, we apologize and would be happy to receive your comments.
Please also pass on this information to other areas of your company if necessary. You will also find this information on our homepage at We thank you in advance for your support and understanding. Best regards

KommR. Alfred Schneckenreither               Hermann Hofstätter
Managing Shareholder                                Managing Director