First LNG truck in the Schneckenreither fleet


A truck powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG) has recently been added to the fleet of the Schneckenreither group. The freight forwarder has been committed to sustainability for years and is now making a further contribution to environmental protection with the first LNG truck.

“This is entirely at your own expense, because currently there is no funding for alternative drives in Austria,” regret KommR. Alfred and KommR. Mag. Wolfgang Schneckenreither. “After all, a natural gas truck costs around 20,000 EUR more than a truck with a diesel engine.

Liquefied natural gas offers decisive advantages over conventional natural gas: Its high energy density increases the range. This means that even large engines can cover long distances with a full payload. On the daily route Ansfelden – Homberg / Efze in Germany and back, the LNG truck emits up to 30 % less CO2 and around 99 % less soot particles or fine dust than a diesel truck. The nitrogen oxides are reduced by around 37 %.